The main obstacle to Knowledge is not falsehood,
but when something has only the semblence of Truth
The history of civilization
can be summed up in six words:
the more you know,
the more you can do
Being human
is a very difficult responsibilty,
and for many it is simply beyond their abilities
Only a self-sufficient Person
is not prone to ambition, self-promotion,
self-propaganda, leadership, and a desire
to always be in the center of attention
Only revealing the truth can guarantee today
the security of all those, along with their precious
material possessions, who think they are (for now!)
the rulers of the world
Man’s life will begin
when he is willing to manifest
his most powerful reserve – Reason
Knowledge does not tolerate vanity
and here it is necessary
to move forward, checking and
rechecking each step with reality
There are powerful processes
in the Life support of people,
which directly affect
the Brain activity of Man
It is impossible to know everything.
Here the primary thing is the striving for Cognition.
And this process is continuous
The quality of information lays down
and determines the potential of development
of the Brain of each Person
The Human Brain is a multi-structural complex,
which controls every cell of the body
To be Human is first of
all to learn to live without using
the violence mechanisms implemented
in practically all social
and technical systems
By Truth we must learn
to understand not our idea of an object,
but the object itself
All the processes taking place
on the territory of Russia (and not only)
today are only for the Good.
Today we are all on the threshold of colossal events
We are living, or rather,
we are destined to live, between epochs.
We see that Humanity
is becoming something else
Global purpose is that which is derived
from a holistic understanding of the world.
To have a global purpose
is to have a Worldview...
Mind is material as part of
our Planet’s Mind construct is represented
by “magnetic energy matter” within
certain octaves of energies!
Here is good advice – rid yourself
of the five components of emotional “cancer”:
criticizing, complaining, comparing,
competing and rivalry
...EMOTIONS are a “stoppage”
in the development of the SOCIETY
It is a “stopper” in making
good decisions
Changing the laws of nature is impossible.
Ignoring the law does not lead to
its disappearance, but to the disappearance
of the one ignoring the law
We need information (from reading) and Reason,
for our Brain to accept this information
or not accept it
Man himself synthesizes (creates and recreates)
the reality of his existence
guided by his own knowledge
and his own ideas about the world
Changing the laws of nature is impossible.
Ignoring the law does not lead to its disappearance,
but to the disappearance of the one ignoring the law
Every truth is a system of knowledge,
but not every system of knowledge is truth
The more you know, the more you can do.
The less you know, the more you believe.
Teaching without reflection is useless,
but reflection without teaching is dangerous
Consciousness is energy in its subtlest
and most dynamic form
Information itself is open to everyone,
but to turn it into knowledge,
you need Reason
The main task of our time
is to find the Worldview
Truth is not a mirror
and is not like anything else