
Keeping the promise given here with regards to N. V. Levashov’s Healing Session, we inform you that now the Sessions are “working” on this Site. They are absolutely free. The Sessions are “transferred” in their original form. Health Improving potentialities of the Sessions, as promised, were strengthened several times with the use of Technologies and the “SvetL” Programs (in line with the real ongoing processes of life support, for the present situation).

The Instructions and recommendations for their use, written personally by N. V. Levashov, are changed only in terms of the application, exactly for the current time. This is done, because today, the Healing Session created by N. V. Levashov and “placed” on the “former sites” of N. V. Levashov, continue working for recovery, but, unfortunately, their effectiveness has sharply lowered (no more than 10% of the initial state). We have informed about this repeatedly, indicating the cause of this event. The Healing Session, “placed” on other sites – is just a “picture”, not secured with anything.

Those who are willing, doubting and the most “inquisitive” have a real opportunity, to see for themselves today by using (not forgetting the Instruction) the method of comparison of these and other “Sessions”. Here there are 3 video Sessions, which have a health improving and health giving effect of the one watching it. These video Sessions are available for free use. Of course, they are not a panacea for all kind of health problems, but those people who have health abnormalities and are not able to pay for individual treatment, and are receptive to the impact of the video Session, will be able to get rid of many health problems by watching these Sessions. And for those who are not very much receptive, it is worth repeating the cycles of Sessions many times; until the expected effect appears (the reasons for this are explained in the Rules). It is strongly recommended that, before watching, carefully you should read the Rules (they are very simple and intelligible), and you should not forget to follow them.

The Rules
Healing Session 1

You are given the opportunity to free download Healing Session 1 to improve your general state of health. This Session is not intended to treat for any particular disease, but, nevertheless, in many cases, it will help you get rid of some health problems.

The force of effect is intended for the average level of human sensitivity, and therefore, people with hypersensitivity can feel the effect very much, while people with a lowered one – little or no effect at all.

In case of hypersensitivity, you may feel signs of dizziness or nausea; you should immediately stop taking the Healing Session.

These symptoms indicate some overload of the body and it is strongly recommended not to continue taking the Session. If the one taking the Session does not stop with the first signs of dizziness or nausea, the entire responsibility for the consequences will lie on him (her).

Next, it is strongly recommended to take the Session not more than once a day. And it concerns even those who do not feel practically anything when taking the Session. Even in this case, there is an effect on the body, and it can manifest itself later.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to take the Session no more than once a day. If this recommendation is ignored, the entire responsibility for the consequences falls on the one who ignores it.

After downloading from the site to your computer (tablet computer or Smartphone), the health effect of the Session will last only the first ten Sessions, after which there will be no health effects.

Delete the Session from your computer, download it again and continue the course of recovery.

After ten Sessions, you can download Healing Session 2 from the site.

For many cases, a total of twenty Health Improving Sessions – 1 and 2 may not be enough to restore the balance of body systems. Therefore, if you wish you can repeat this course of Healing Session 1 and 2 as many times as you feel it necessary.

For this, each time you have to re-download the specified Healing Session 1 and 2 from the site, deleting the already used Sessions 1 and 2 from your computer.

I remind you that after downloading, the Sessions have a healing effect only ten times, after which, taking them will not have any healing effect.

If you decide to download the Healing Session 1 from the site, this means that you accept the above conditions and all responsibility for their non-observing lies with the one who downloaded Session 1 from the site and who took Session 1.

If the one who takes Session 1 does not know about the requirements for taking the Session, the responsibility for the possible consequences lies with the one who downloaded the Session from the site and did not warn the one who takes them about the measures necessary for the most effective health effects.

With respect and wishes everyone
to restore your health,
Nicolai Levashov

To monitor the effectiveness of the provided Sessions, as well as develop the “SvetL” Programs, it is suggested that you should fill in this Survey. It is recommended to take this survey at least once a month, you may do it more often. The process of filling in the survey is very simple and will not take you much time.

The Rules
Healing Session 2

You have the opportunity to free download Healing Session 2 to improve your general state of health.

It is insistently recommended to start taking Session 2 after taking Session 1 ten times. Taking Session 2, without having Session 1, will also have a positive effect, but it will be more effective after a tenfold course of Session 1.

This Session is not intended to treat for any particular disease, but, nevertheless, in many cases, it helps people to get rid of some health problems.

The effectiveness is intended at an average level of human sensitivity, and therefore, people with hypersensitivity can feel the effect very much, and people with the lower one – very little or no effect at all.

In case people with hypersensitivity feel signs of dizziness or nausea, they should immediately stop taking Healing Session.

These symptoms indicate at some overload of the body and it is strongly recommended not to continue taking the Session. If he (she) does not stop taking the Session at the first signs of dizziness or nausea, the entire responsibility for the consequences will lie with the one taking the Session.

Next, it is insistently recommended to take the Session not more than once a day. And this concerns even those who feels almost nothing. Even in this case, there is an effect on the body, and it can manifest itself later.

Therefore, it is insistently recommended to take the Session only once a day. If this recommendation is ignored, the one who ignores it takes full responsibility for the consequences on oneself.

After downloading from the site to your computer (tablet computer or Smartphone), the healing effect of the Session will be given to you only by the first ten Sessions, after which there will be no any healing.

For many cases, a total of twenty times taking Healing Session 1 and 2 may not be enough to restore the balance of body systems. Therefore, if you feel like taking this course of Healing Session 1 and 2 you may do it as many times as it is necessary for you.

For this, you have to re-download specified Sessions 1 and 2 from the site, after deleting the “used” Sessions 1 and 2 from your computer.

I remind you that after downloading, Sessions have a healing effect only ten times, after which, taking them will not have any healing effect.

If you decide to download Healing Session 2 from the site, this means that you accept the above Rules, and the full responsibility for ignoring the Rules lies with the one who downloaded Session 2 from the site and who took Session 2.

If the one taking Session 2 did not know about the rules for taking the Session, the responsibility for the possible consequences lies with the one who downloaded the Session from the site and did not warn the one who was taking it about the rules necessary for the most effective health effects.

With respect and wishes everyone
to restore your health,
Nicolai Levashov

To monitor the effectiveness of the provided Sessions, as well as develop the “SvetL” Programs, it is suggested that you should fill in this Survey. It is recommended to take this survey at least once a month, you may do it more often. The process of filling in the survey is very simple and will not take you much time.

The Rules
Healing Session 3

You have the opportunity to free download Healing Session 3 to improve your general state of health.

This Session is not intended to treat for any particular disease, but, nevertheless, in many cases, when taking this Session before Sessions 1 and 2, or only Session 3 – before going to sleep, it helps people to get rid of some health problems.

The effectiveness is intended at the average level of human sensitivity, and therefore, people with hypersensitivity can feel the effect very much, and people with the lower one – very little or no effect at all.

In case people with hypersensitivity feel signs of dizziness or nausea, they should immediately stop taking Healing Session.

These symptoms indicate at some overload of the body, and it is insistently recommended not to continue taking the Session. If he (she) does not stop taking the Session at the first signs of dizziness or nausea, the entire responsibility for the consequences will lie with the one taking the Session.

Next, it is insistently recommended to take Session 3 at the same time you take Session 1 or 2 not more than once a day. And this concerns even those who feels almost nothing. Even in this case, there is an effect on the body, and it can manifest itself later.

Therefore, it is insistently recommended to take Session 3 together with Sessions 1 and 2 only once a day. If this recommendation is ignored, the one who ignores it takes full responsibility for the consequences on oneself.

Healing Session 3 can be used as an independent Session, before sleep, even if you have already used it once with Session 1 or Session 2. This will significantly improve your sleep, cardiovascular function and “relieve” stress, if any. After downloading from the site, to your computer (tablet computer or Smartphone), the healing effect of the Session will support you for only the first ten Sessions, after which there will be no healing effects.

For many cases, a total of twenty times taking Sessions 1, 2 and 3 may not be enough to restore the balance of body systems. Therefore, if you feel like taking the course of Sessions 1, 2 and 3 again and again as you feel it necessary for you are welcome.

For this, you have to re-download specified Healing Session 1, 2 and 3 from the site, after deleting the “used” Sessions 1, 2 and 3 from your computer.

I remind you that after downloading, Sessions have a healing effect only ten times, after which, taking them will not have a healing effect.

If you decide to download Healing Session 3 from the site, this means that you accept the above Rules and all responsibility for ignoring them lies with the one who downloaded Session 3 from the site and who took Session 3.

If the one who took Session 3 did not know about the Rules for taking the Session, the responsibility for the possible consequences lies with the one who downloaded the Session from the site and did not warn the one who took it about the Rules necessary for the most effective health effects.

With respect and wishes everyone
to restore your health,
Russian Scientific and Technical Society

To monitor the effectiveness of the provided Sessions, as well as to develop the “SvetL” Programs, it is suggested that you should fill in this Survey. It is recommended to take this survey at least once a month; you may do it more often. The process of filling in the survey is very simple and will not take you much time.